Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Response: Owning It

First of all the layout of this book is terrific. The big letters and perfect amount of white space makes the reading feel as if it is moving about all faster than normal. I also like that all the authors seem to have written in a very simple manner, easy to read and comprehend.

It maybe be about high school kids, like What a Song Can Do, but I don't think it is as limited as What a Song Can Do was.

This is book is terrific in two ways. It can help students with disabilities have something to read and relate to. It can also be educational to those students that don't understand certain disabilities. I know growing up my mom always gave me books about different disabilities or experiences so that I could understand them. When I was in Preschool I had a classmate who was missing his arm, I asked my teacher what happened and she said "He lost it". Being very young and naive I didn't quite exactly know what she meant by that, so the next day I came to school and I told that boy I was going to help him find his arm. We looked all day before the teacher realized what we were doing. So mom bought me a book about a man and his missing arm. Another was about a boy who had to go to his grandfather's funeral. That stayed in my mind when my father died and I had to attend the funeral as a child. The stories were all something I could relate to, and learn from, just like these stories are.

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